You have to admit, these are interesting times that we live in. Easy for me to say, of course. I'm a white, some would say middle class, although I would say working class, straight male and I live in Spain, an ally of the US.
I say ally but you wouldn't think it to hear what some Spanish politicians have said about the Donald after his administration removed the Spanish language from the US government website.
I commend the Spanish politicians, something I don't do very often, for their speaking out against Trump's actions.
We all sit eagerly awaiting news of Trump's next move, will it be that he has ordered the department of education to change the curriculum to teach that the Sun revolves around the Earth, I shouldn't joke, it is coming.
Even though I am just a white, working class straight male living in Spain I do quite rightly still care.
I care that pretty soon many US citizens will not have affordable healthcare, I care that immigrants living in the US will feel even more victimised than they do already and I care that if a woman has a sexual relationship with a man and happens to fall pregnant then that woman loses the right to have a say over her own body.
I don't claim to know squat about Obamacare, in fact many people tell me it's a mess but if you think Trump is going to improve the situation for families and deliver then you need a wake-up call.
I suspect, or rather I know that in the US there are people like me, many concerned citizens. They're of course in the thick of it.
Last weekend saw action from women right around the world and all over the States who sought to #Resist the Trump.
On Wednesday in downtown Washington, just a few blocks from the White House some protesters scaled a crane in order to deliver their message. One amazing picture had the White House in the foreground with the crane behind showing just how close the two were.
And perhaps the most vocal message came on Twitter with a new parodyish account, @RogueNasa, delivering the truth to Trump's bullshit.
As I'm writing this article I've gone to look at their Twitter account to see this message. I've not mastered putting pictures on my blog just yet but in case I don't here is what the tweet says.
"Have some free time? Help archive all you can on and"
They're asking for people to archive their websites "just in case" they're ordered to remove anything.
Scary times we're living in, interesting but very very scary.
On Wednesday Trump signed another in a long line of executive orders. On this occasion, it was for there to be a wall along the US' southern border with Mexico.
The distance of the border is roughly the same distance from the very most northern point of the westernmost isle in Scotland all the way down to Rome in Italy.
That's an absolutely insane distance, how exactly is that going to be policed even if you do get past the impossible task of building the damn thing!?
The Mexican president was due to meet with Trump next week but after the announcement of the wall, Enrique Peña Nieto has cancelled the meeting.
Resistance is what's needed #Resist #Resist #Resist
Today the British PM, Teresa May, is to be the first foreign leader to meet with Trump. As she is technically "my leader" I am still a British citizen, I'd prefer it if she resisted him too.
A lot of British political commentators are concerned about how the UK's 'special relationship' with the US will come out of this.
Resisting Trump does not mean we resist the US and I think it would speak volumes if we made that point clear.
This is why it is important to resist, have your voice heard and let people know what you're thinking and let them know that they do have a choice and if they were to resist that they wouldn't be alone.
I wonder how Trump will be remembered? Many liken him to Hitler, I think the difference is that Hitler believed what he was saying, Trump doesn't.
Hitler is largely remembered as being the psychopath that he was, he absolutely had to rid Germany and then Europe and then eventually the world, had he got that far, of jews as that was what he had managed to convince himself of what needed to happen.
Hitler's desire was perfection as he saw it.
Trump, in contrast, doesn't believe it and for that he is different. Trump is the metaphorical school yard idiot that will do anything his chums tell him to, just so he can be allowed to remain in their circle of friends. They have no real value for him or desire to have him around, they just like the stupid things he does.
This is Trump. He started to criticise Obama because it made him popular, he then, with this not being enough, was dared to run for President, how would he gain popularity? Oh, I know, we can pick on some people, let's do that....
Trump is now being willed on by the crackpot nutjobs within his administration, people like white supremacist, Steve Bannon, these are now the people daring Trump to do things, these people are the problem and what's worse is these people are like Hitler, these people do believe the US, North America and eventually the world needs to be rid of Muslims.
Desire for people like Bannon is the same for Hitler, perfection as they see it. If you don't fall within that remit then you're gone.
With Hitler you needed to be a heterosexual, able bodied aryan. White skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, not Jewish and that is it, sort of.
With Bannon you need to be the same, give or take the odd distinguishing feature or minority.
One of Hitler's qualities, he did have some, ignoring the fascism, was that he was a great orator, in fact we probably haven't seen anyone as good at speaking, at least in political circles, as he was since his infamous speeches, formally at the Circus Krone and more latterly at Nurnberg.
Trump isn't in the same league as Hitler oratorically, although very good at public speaking Trump is just a populist, tells the people what they want to hear, listening to Hitler speak was like being hypnotised.
However he doesn't need to be as good as Hitler, he is not competing with him, he needs to be better or at least as good as his rivals.
And to his followers that is exactly what he is.
The Trump administration has, in separate parts, everything that Hitler had and the good thing for them is that no-one can say "that's Hitler". They can't pinpoint one person and say that is 'Hitler' but he is in there.
Not every Trump follower was, is or ever will be a white supremacist. They don't all believe that Jesus discovered America and the the world was discovered five thousand years ago, or whatever the number of years is this week.
Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were never really democratically elected, it's debatable, some would say they were but really they bullied their way to the Reichstag until they got what they wanted.
Trump was democratically elected and although people will bleat on about how he never won the popular vote when has that ever mattered in the past? Trump won the system that was being played, the electoral college is a difficult complicated system to understand so I'm not going to bother to explain.
Complete annihilation of the Jewish 'race' was never on the cards on day one, hence the name "final solution". It probably was for Hitler, by the time he ended his service in the German army at the end of World War One he was talking about ridding Germany of anyone that wasn't a pure German.
He was probably a fully converted anti-Semitic by the time he got to Munich from his Austrian homeland in 1914 where he'd spent the past seven years sleeping rough on the streets of Vienna growing more and more resentful of the Jews and their wealth.
That's what racism is, it plants itself like a tiny seed in a person's mind and the more hard luck Hitler had trying to make his way as an artist the more resentful towards them he became. Never mind the fact that he was best friends with a Jew, who was also sleeping rough, whilst in Vienna.
Shortly after Hitler gained power as Chancellor, a position he pretty much stole, a so called but never proven "false flag" arson attack saw the Reichstag burn.
As the fire burned the police conducted a search of the building and found a Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, who owned up to the fire. He was arrested, tried and then assassinated.
It was said that on the morning of the fire Hitler was happier than his followers had seen him for weeks.
Eighteen months later the death of President Hindenburg gave Hitler the clear path to dictatorship.
For many people within Trump's administration outside of the white supremacist circle, I include Trump in this as I have said, he doesn't believe what he says, I have no doubt that the plan is not to annihilate anyone.
That's not Trump's style, he doesn't want a solution, he wants the problems to remain so that he can continue to criticise them and this way he's popularity should remain fairly high, at least for a while.
That's the plan for now at least.
People have spoken about Trump being impeached, this won't help unless he takes his white-sheet wearing pals with him. In fact it could actually be the worst case scenario.
Just who will they replace him with, that's the next question? Trump is actually in this case not necessarily the problem. The people that surround him are.
What needs to happen is like what happened with the Penguin in film Batman Returns. He was the Trump of 20 years ago, short, fat and tiny hands not to mention incredibly popular with the people.
He was running for mayor of Gotham and as he was Batman's enemy he had people believing that the capped crusader was some sort of bad guy.
This was until Batman managed to record the Penguin badmouthing the people, he then played it over him talking in front of a crowd and the veil fell away and the people saw him for who he was.
How perfect if we could record a Trump administration meeting with them all slating the people, over to you, Wikileaks.
The white supremacists want what they perceive to be "perfection".
But how long will it be that Trump has to deliver something so big that it is what's needed to prevent his popularity slipping?
Trump will make changes but as we know nothing will improve as those changes won't be what is needed.
Eventually people will be calling for a register of Muslims, for Muslims to wear identification tags so they can be spotted and won't be so much of a threat.
How long will it be for the narcissist Trump who is so desperate to be liked that to maintain his popularity he has to ban anyone with brown skin from riding public transport?
He can do it now if he wants, who is going to stop him? If this is what he feels he needs to do to keep his popularity ratings up then he will be willing to do anything.
It never starts with concentration camps and genocides, that's only ever where it ends.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I say ally but you wouldn't think it to hear what some Spanish politicians have said about the Donald after his administration removed the Spanish language from the US government website.
I commend the Spanish politicians, something I don't do very often, for their speaking out against Trump's actions.
We all sit eagerly awaiting news of Trump's next move, will it be that he has ordered the department of education to change the curriculum to teach that the Sun revolves around the Earth, I shouldn't joke, it is coming.
Even though I am just a white, working class straight male living in Spain I do quite rightly still care.
I care that pretty soon many US citizens will not have affordable healthcare, I care that immigrants living in the US will feel even more victimised than they do already and I care that if a woman has a sexual relationship with a man and happens to fall pregnant then that woman loses the right to have a say over her own body.
I don't claim to know squat about Obamacare, in fact many people tell me it's a mess but if you think Trump is going to improve the situation for families and deliver then you need a wake-up call.
I suspect, or rather I know that in the US there are people like me, many concerned citizens. They're of course in the thick of it.
Last weekend saw action from women right around the world and all over the States who sought to #Resist the Trump.
On Wednesday in downtown Washington, just a few blocks from the White House some protesters scaled a crane in order to deliver their message. One amazing picture had the White House in the foreground with the crane behind showing just how close the two were.
And perhaps the most vocal message came on Twitter with a new parodyish account, @RogueNasa, delivering the truth to Trump's bullshit.
As I'm writing this article I've gone to look at their Twitter account to see this message. I've not mastered putting pictures on my blog just yet but in case I don't here is what the tweet says.
"Have some free time? Help archive all you can on and"
They're asking for people to archive their websites "just in case" they're ordered to remove anything.
Scary times we're living in, interesting but very very scary.
On Wednesday Trump signed another in a long line of executive orders. On this occasion, it was for there to be a wall along the US' southern border with Mexico.
The distance of the border is roughly the same distance from the very most northern point of the westernmost isle in Scotland all the way down to Rome in Italy.
That's an absolutely insane distance, how exactly is that going to be policed even if you do get past the impossible task of building the damn thing!?
The Mexican president was due to meet with Trump next week but after the announcement of the wall, Enrique Peña Nieto has cancelled the meeting.
Resistance is what's needed #Resist #Resist #Resist
Today the British PM, Teresa May, is to be the first foreign leader to meet with Trump. As she is technically "my leader" I am still a British citizen, I'd prefer it if she resisted him too.
A lot of British political commentators are concerned about how the UK's 'special relationship' with the US will come out of this.
Resisting Trump does not mean we resist the US and I think it would speak volumes if we made that point clear.
This is why it is important to resist, have your voice heard and let people know what you're thinking and let them know that they do have a choice and if they were to resist that they wouldn't be alone.
I wonder how Trump will be remembered? Many liken him to Hitler, I think the difference is that Hitler believed what he was saying, Trump doesn't.
Hitler is largely remembered as being the psychopath that he was, he absolutely had to rid Germany and then Europe and then eventually the world, had he got that far, of jews as that was what he had managed to convince himself of what needed to happen.
Hitler's desire was perfection as he saw it.
Trump, in contrast, doesn't believe it and for that he is different. Trump is the metaphorical school yard idiot that will do anything his chums tell him to, just so he can be allowed to remain in their circle of friends. They have no real value for him or desire to have him around, they just like the stupid things he does.
This is Trump. He started to criticise Obama because it made him popular, he then, with this not being enough, was dared to run for President, how would he gain popularity? Oh, I know, we can pick on some people, let's do that....
Trump is now being willed on by the crackpot nutjobs within his administration, people like white supremacist, Steve Bannon, these are now the people daring Trump to do things, these people are the problem and what's worse is these people are like Hitler, these people do believe the US, North America and eventually the world needs to be rid of Muslims.
Desire for people like Bannon is the same for Hitler, perfection as they see it. If you don't fall within that remit then you're gone.
With Hitler you needed to be a heterosexual, able bodied aryan. White skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, not Jewish and that is it, sort of.
With Bannon you need to be the same, give or take the odd distinguishing feature or minority.
One of Hitler's qualities, he did have some, ignoring the fascism, was that he was a great orator, in fact we probably haven't seen anyone as good at speaking, at least in political circles, as he was since his infamous speeches, formally at the Circus Krone and more latterly at Nurnberg.
Trump isn't in the same league as Hitler oratorically, although very good at public speaking Trump is just a populist, tells the people what they want to hear, listening to Hitler speak was like being hypnotised.
However he doesn't need to be as good as Hitler, he is not competing with him, he needs to be better or at least as good as his rivals.
And to his followers that is exactly what he is.
The Trump administration has, in separate parts, everything that Hitler had and the good thing for them is that no-one can say "that's Hitler". They can't pinpoint one person and say that is 'Hitler' but he is in there.
Not every Trump follower was, is or ever will be a white supremacist. They don't all believe that Jesus discovered America and the the world was discovered five thousand years ago, or whatever the number of years is this week.
Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were never really democratically elected, it's debatable, some would say they were but really they bullied their way to the Reichstag until they got what they wanted.
Trump was democratically elected and although people will bleat on about how he never won the popular vote when has that ever mattered in the past? Trump won the system that was being played, the electoral college is a difficult complicated system to understand so I'm not going to bother to explain.
Complete annihilation of the Jewish 'race' was never on the cards on day one, hence the name "final solution". It probably was for Hitler, by the time he ended his service in the German army at the end of World War One he was talking about ridding Germany of anyone that wasn't a pure German.
He was probably a fully converted anti-Semitic by the time he got to Munich from his Austrian homeland in 1914 where he'd spent the past seven years sleeping rough on the streets of Vienna growing more and more resentful of the Jews and their wealth.
That's what racism is, it plants itself like a tiny seed in a person's mind and the more hard luck Hitler had trying to make his way as an artist the more resentful towards them he became. Never mind the fact that he was best friends with a Jew, who was also sleeping rough, whilst in Vienna.
Shortly after Hitler gained power as Chancellor, a position he pretty much stole, a so called but never proven "false flag" arson attack saw the Reichstag burn.
As the fire burned the police conducted a search of the building and found a Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, who owned up to the fire. He was arrested, tried and then assassinated.
It was said that on the morning of the fire Hitler was happier than his followers had seen him for weeks.
Eighteen months later the death of President Hindenburg gave Hitler the clear path to dictatorship.
For many people within Trump's administration outside of the white supremacist circle, I include Trump in this as I have said, he doesn't believe what he says, I have no doubt that the plan is not to annihilate anyone.
That's not Trump's style, he doesn't want a solution, he wants the problems to remain so that he can continue to criticise them and this way he's popularity should remain fairly high, at least for a while.
That's the plan for now at least.
People have spoken about Trump being impeached, this won't help unless he takes his white-sheet wearing pals with him. In fact it could actually be the worst case scenario.
Just who will they replace him with, that's the next question? Trump is actually in this case not necessarily the problem. The people that surround him are.
What needs to happen is like what happened with the Penguin in film Batman Returns. He was the Trump of 20 years ago, short, fat and tiny hands not to mention incredibly popular with the people.
He was running for mayor of Gotham and as he was Batman's enemy he had people believing that the capped crusader was some sort of bad guy.
This was until Batman managed to record the Penguin badmouthing the people, he then played it over him talking in front of a crowd and the veil fell away and the people saw him for who he was.
How perfect if we could record a Trump administration meeting with them all slating the people, over to you, Wikileaks.
The white supremacists want what they perceive to be "perfection".
But how long will it be that Trump has to deliver something so big that it is what's needed to prevent his popularity slipping?
Trump will make changes but as we know nothing will improve as those changes won't be what is needed.
Eventually people will be calling for a register of Muslims, for Muslims to wear identification tags so they can be spotted and won't be so much of a threat.
How long will it be for the narcissist Trump who is so desperate to be liked that to maintain his popularity he has to ban anyone with brown skin from riding public transport?
He can do it now if he wants, who is going to stop him? If this is what he feels he needs to do to keep his popularity ratings up then he will be willing to do anything.
It never starts with concentration camps and genocides, that's only ever where it ends.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone