Tuesday, 10 July 2012

ComicCon 2012

This weekend me and a friend took ourselves to ComicCon 2012 at London's Olympia. It's a celebration of everything in the field of fantasy, make believe, Sci Fi, Super Heroes, ghosts, ghouls and goblins.

I think a lot of people's first thought is "it's a place for geeks". I don't think that, it was my badgering my mate all week that made us go and I really wanted to be part of it, I wouldn't consider myself a geek.

The thing that really struck me is the number of attractive girls who are into SciFi. Being intrested in this sort of thing could make you a babe magnet.
The girls knew who to dress as well, not only were the outfits correct right down to the last superhero cape but their was more leather than you could shake a stick at, that's not a euthamism!
We all have our passions and the things we love; is someone who is obsessed with building up their body a geek? What about someone who loves travelling, is that person a geek? What about someone who absolutely adores sport, I know a few who will watch anything, I don't consider them geeks, I consider that their nichè. What you should do is get one person of every nichè and enter that as a team in as many pub quizzes as you can, that's the secret.

So I went along with an open mind, I went along as someone who could see these people for who they were and could see what they truly wanted out of life and that was to watch the films, read the books, collect the comics, dress up as their favourite characters and go to these events, nothing wrong with that. Watching Batman get on the tube was pretty funny.

I got some pretty cool pictures as well, I wouldn't have done that if I had been sat at home playing Call of Duty, my plan B for the weekend.

My only disappointment was there was not enough LOTR. One of the actors who played an elf was there but I didn't see enough of the characters being immortalised by the fans; I would have made that the most popular subject, no? What I would have given to see some guy dressed up as gollum in some leotard / gimp suit.... I never ever thought I'd see myself type those words, sorry mum.
Going again to the next one, damn straight. Anyone got a leotard in my size?

Location:London's Olympia

1 comment:

  1. LOTR - I don't know about the cosplay scene but in costuming you almost never see them because they're near impossible to get close to screen accurate - thats why none of our lot do LOTR (I'm with the Galactic Knights. We do have a very good Witch King but that's it). I personally wouldn't do LOTR simply because I'm a short female. That pretty much limits my options to a hobbit or Eowyn (and I'm not a blonde, nordic type like Eowyn!). I'm at least a foot too short to be a Tolkein elf.
