Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Barcelona's homeless

One thing that has really struck me since I got here is the number of homeless people I see in Barcelona.

I didn't think it would be that much, it's a city right but Barcelona is slightly left leaning.

I don't know, I just didn't think there would be so many homeless people here, for some reason.  Maybe there isn't that many and every time I see one it's as if I've seen five because I notice it more, if that makes sense?

I wonder if there is any city in the world that doesn't have any homeless people?  I think I heard that Dubai doesn't have homeless people?  They either don't let them live there or something? Not sure.

When I make it I'm going to look into what can be done to help these people in Barcelona.

There must be an empty disused building in this city that we can get some beds in and we can house people in?

We can set up a soup kitchen to feed large numbers and set up a way of getting them back on their feet.

Being homeless can happen to anyone.  It's not just druggies and hippies.  Give people the chance to get back on their feet and they can get their lives back.

Maybe set up some classes teaching English or something?  Give people the tools they need to help themselves.

I don't know, it's something I'm going to look into.  There are already countless numbers of homeless charities in Barcelona, I don't want to tread on any toes, just help the needy and those less fortunate than me.  Perhaps I can help and contribute to something to someone's life.  I'll look into what is already here and see if I can help.

Ask not what Barcelona can do for me but what I can do for Barcelona.

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